SiliconSoftware AD4-CL
The microEnable IV AD4-CL is a dual-port frame grabbers for two independent Base configuration, one Medium or Full configuration CameraLink® camera. With its DMA transfer rate of up to 900 MB/s the microEnable IV AD4-CL/AD4-PoCL is the fastest PCIe x4 frame grabber world wide. As a result it supports the complete image transfer of the fastest 10-tap Full configurationCameraLink® cameras (CameraLink 80bit).
The acquisition functions of the microEnable IV AD4-CL/AD4-PoCL offer high performance, and robust and reliable acquisition technology at the same time. Additionally the range of functionality covers valuable image pre-processings that are executed in real time without loading of the host CPU.
The microEnable IV AD4-PoCL supports Power over CameraLink®.